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Friday, September 4, 2009

the Deep Sea

Philosophy was always a bit boring for me in school and in college.

My high-school teacher couldn't care less if we understood anything of what he was saying. Hell, he didn't even care if we attended his class.

In college, our professor was the most quiet guy. He must have been through a lot, since in the middle of class he had to go out and smoke a cigarette in no more than three drags. It was weird to watch the ash grow at the end of his smoke, conquered slowly by the orange tiny ring of fire. As for learning, I hardly even managed to go through class without falling asleep, so I kept myself occupied texting Alex.

My philosophy evolved mostly from reading the lyrics of my favorite hardcore bands and Pink Floyd. But how much could that really give you? Except for, maybe, the fact that when Alex said she was going to study psychology, I said "cool, I'll sign up too".

As for my understanding of symbolism, I don't think I could ever get too good at it. That's how I've gone through books and paintings, not really being able to sink into their meaning.

Just read what the following two symbols meant. I liked it. I'll share them with you and let you find the meaning for yourself. Then I'll tell you what I read.

1. a legend: Jonah was swallowed by the whale and taken deep into the sea, from where he ultimately came out again - transformed, reborn.

2. Nietzsche "Thus Spoke Zarathustra": a man is first a Camel, then a Lion, fighting the dragon, named "Thou Shalt", and then becomes a child.



Unknown said...

what??? I guess this is too deep for me

alkA. said...

tozi komentar 6te triabva da go ostavq na BG samo zaradi koito i az garantiram, 4e e "tuu diip" gospojata.

mnogo mislih za prit4ata na Niz6e, ot "Tyi re4e Zaratustra". 4ovek se rajda obremenen i natovaren s cqloto arhetipno nasledstvo na 4ove4estvoto; zada4ata mu e po lyvski da se bori sre6tu reda izvun i v sebe si, za sa se osvobodi i da se prevyrne v bezgrijno dete...
I absolutely love it. that simple.

Vladislav Ivanov said...

I don't really like symbols. Each one can mean too much things sometimes and that's what some people are using for manipulation ...

The first one sounds like: "when you reach the bottom, the only possible way is up".
But it could sond like: "God has the power to transform you"
Or maybe: "If a whale will eat you, ultimately you'll come out from his "behind" and you will be transformed already" :)