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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Because He Who Dies With The Most Stuff, Wins."

I don't understand money. May be that's why I can never get "enough". Not that there's ever been anything like enough money, since the curse of it is the very human nature. It's us, really who have set the trap up and fallen into it, just so we can keep digging for gold until we've dug our own grave.

I strongly believe that the treasure hunt is what has shifted the human spirit from the serene plains of bliss and direction and the path to enlightenment, to the entangling jungle of vicious circles and sand-castles.

Fully aware of the childishly-idealistic thought, I just wander how much more we could have been if Pandora's box hadn't spilled all over humanity. We are primitive! My GOD we are primitive! In the simplest terms: 1) There are only a handful of people, who are in search of the meaning of our existence and not solely the means of existence. 2) Humanity has destroyed its home - our unbelievably beautiful and magical planet; not just that, but also we have isolated ourselves in the forests of concrete, some of us never to experience the magnitude and divinity of nature's beauty. 3) We still have wars!!! What the fuck!!! I mean what the fucking fuck is that! How can you even imagine taking not just anything, but EVERYTHING a person owns - their life. And not just that, but taking that person away from his close ones - his parents, who have spent endless sleepless night to nurture and nourish that creature, until it's a high enough (to their standards) functioning individual. And for what cause?? Because a person with an empty heart and a definitely empty head has decided so based on greed, will for power, or just simple dislike for the other nation. Hello? Heard of discrimination? And how about communication? Excuse me, but if you CANNOT communicate, then may be, just may be you shouldn't be a "leader" to begin with. 4) We still take animal lives for mere pleasure. Because, believe you me, there are thousands of alternative, and better foods out there. But we are just plain LAZY! We'd rather sacrifice others' life than go out of our way to create a cruelty-free diet. And don't even get me stated on FUR (if you wear fur, you must watch this, or you're a fucking hypocrite as is your McDonalds' burger), and don't even mention hunting! (notice I've written we. I don't exclude myself) 5) We've created RELIGION! And forgotten about spirituality. We've turned people's spirituality into yet another money-making machine!


Growing up with a sister, I was thought to make sure there'd always be something left of my chocolate bar for her. Today I have a feeling that were I to have "enough" money, there wouldn't be enough for the rest. That's why, I feel like I'm cursed not to even want lots of it, so "it doesn't deplete." The mere realization of the irrationality of this statement doesn't make it less powerful in my subconsciousness.

What makes me really sad is that I've devoted much of my time to those paper monsters, thieves and liars. The empty promisses echo in my head as I repeat them as a mantra.

I feel cheated. And there's no better cheater to you than YOU! Who is your own worst enemy?


Anonymous said...

Отличная статья! большое спасибо автору за интересный материал. Удачи в развитии!!! :)

Anonymous said...

thank! for this news it's a good infomation !

Anonymous said...

Интересно но все же хотелось бы побольше узнать об этом. Понравилась статья!:-)

Anonymous said...

Извините за офф-топик, не подскажете, где можно такой же симпатичный шаблон для блога взять?

Anonymous said...

В этом посте нет никакой логики