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Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Oh, how I’ve dreamed of getting tattooed! My entire life I’ve looked up to people with tattoos. To me it’s always been the symbol of rebellion, of the unity of the underdogs, of my kind of people. Ironically, I’ve never HAD one.
Time shapes up shorelines slowly but beautifully. I’ve let time add brushes to my own concept of the best tattoo to fit me and describe me most accurately. My good friend Zlato told me once that he couldn’t get tattooed, because it would mean that he’d stop developing in a sense and be stuck in a phase for the rest of his life. To me, this is not necessarily the right way to put it, because every phase of your life is stuck with you forever. Whatever you do, there is no changing of the past, just the interpretations. And that’s what art is – it’s a snapshot in time that can be viewed and rediscovered in new ways in the ages to come…
All these, and thousands more similar thoughts have haunted my head ever since we went to the “biggest tattoo convention in the world” (I’d have to say that for a “biggest” one, it really wasn’t all that exciting, and it certainly wasn’t the most versatile, because it hurt to see the profile, which most artists are trying to fit, in order to make money. Sadly, just like in music, you hardly ever end up doing what you like to do, because you have to make ends meet. So you end up being forced to comply with the rules of the mass and make tattoos of dragons, tigers, coy-fish and jesus on the cross /thank you for noticing the small “j”, it’s intentional/. Blah! )The convention was full of conventional tattooists and possibly only three or four people grabbed my attention and struck me as different. And we all know who makes a difference in this world, right? Well, not the crowd-pleasers for sure!

And yet, being at that place felt so alive! I miss the underground! The real hardcore concerts, the true fighters and dissidents! Me and my family walked amongst them and mused at the extent to which they had said “Fuck you” to the rules of the working class, of which I am currently a member myself. And I do take that “fuck you” as a slap on my own face and can’t wait till I’m ready to pass it on. (even though, like I said earlier, my snapshot of at least a six-year obedience will live with me forever…I do intend to interpret it in better ways).

So, my idea for the tattoo, that’s going to cover my entire back, and the back of my arms is nearly ready. After having postponed it for so many years, I think the fruit is ripe for me to pick and now I just can’t wait till the time comes, when I will have “hustled” enough, as to be able to afford one. Haha, ironical again, isn’t it!

Well, like I said, we all had a ton of fun. We even saw Silvestre Stallone (my sworn enemy – my coworkers would say…looong story).

In fact, we were in such good spirits afterwards, that Sami and I had a five minute laugh together.

The moments that stop our breath…


Unknown said...

You are so deep!!! Its just a tatoo!!!! Get it!

alkA. said...

Berkley, He is deep! That's why I love him!

Anonymous said...

i like how you write its very easy to imagine myself there and compare my thoughts .... get the tatoo !