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Friday, October 9, 2009


It was about 3am. Me and Alex had just gone to bed after having had a late night sushi after work. Times were different back then. Sami still had like two years to even get conceived and the two of us were living it up till the early hours of the morning.

Summer was over and the cool breeze worked much better than the AC. We used to keep our windows open. All of a sudden a “BANG!” comes from outside. Just one. Silence before it, silence after it. Anything makes sounds like there. A branch snaps and falls on the asphalt, a flower pot falls from somebody’s balcony…we were like: someone got shot. We knew we weren’t right. Switched the lights off and went to sleep.

The next morning this guy was peeking through our windows. I went out to see what his problem was. He just asked me which one the house with this number was. I had no idea. In this country you can spend years without ever meeting your neighbors. It took me at least seven months to find out that I live right next door to a girl I work with! All this time we had been getting in our cars at the same time, driving to work on the same streets and coming home at the same time, fifty feet away, without ever seeing each other! Because if you don’t have a good enough reason to sue somebody, you just stay out of their business and climb on your little automobile every day, go to the treadmill, and back to you cubicle, oblivious to the surroundings.

So, the guy shot a second question at me: Well, do you know where someone shot himself last night? It was on a house with a balcony. I’m here to do the cleanup.


So there we had been. The two of us – giggling, careless and this person just went “Bang” right next door! To this day I still haven’t seen his old wife. I see their kids visiting once in a blue moon. I can’t even try to think how she must have felt. Her newspapers always wait for her in front of the garage door. I saw a couple of them piled up today and I thought…when will be the time when no one’s even gonna know that it wasn’t her, but the trash people that picked them up…


Unknown said...

What made u right about this today????

alkA. said...

it's a weird felling...every time I look at their balcony I think of this guy...Suicide is a strange choice one makes. Some think it's the ONLY actual choice we have over our predestined

CToRH said...

I wonder why...I think I wrote about it 'cause I was looking at her newspaper laying infront of the garage.