• The breathtaking sunsets – you WILL be amazed how the desert projects all the colors of the rainbow onto the bluest skies!
• The Bellagio fountains! I am forever enticed. The moment I saw them 6 years ago, I knew if nothing else about this place ever comforts me, the magical dance of the water, forever will.
• Everything is open 24 hours. It totally satisfies my midnight hunger for pizza, a very urgent purchase of a bathing suit or a glass of champagne at 5 in the morning on the highest roof top of any casino.
• Blue Man Group. You just have to see it.
• The gazillions of pine trees. And pine cones. With a little imagination, you can totally ignore the fact that you are in the middle of the desert. The artificial lakes by our house support that illusion as well.
• Our tiny little house! I absolutely love my nest. It has two bedrooms for Samuil, and none for us. And yet, it is OUR refuge from everything.
• Marche Bacchus. Our ultimate never-boring romantic getaway; a tiny French restaurant with a wine cellar, a magnificent location on a lake, Riedel wine glasses and a cheesy live music on “Wine Mondays”.
• The wide streets. Perfect for crazy, unstable drivers like me. Did I mention how clean everything is? The streets too. Walk barefoot and jump right in your crispy white sheets, no problem!
• Nurse Peggy. The awesome nurse at the best hospital, where Sami was born. I will forever keep her genuine laughter(when she took me peeing) and her EVERYTHING-WILL-BE-OK look with me.
• The carrot-avocado cream soup at the all organic, vegan, vegetarian and raw “Go raw” café, 9 minutes walking distance from our house. Yummmmmmm! Their desserts? The m’s in Yummm won’t do them any justice.
• The warm winter. Perfect for everything: endless walks, skinny dipping in the Jacuzzi and lying on the floor in front of the fireplace.
• The Library. I am still amazed how with 2 clicks, I can order a book and it will patiently be waiting for me, well put and with my name on it.
• …and It is not Bulgaria.
What I H A T E about Vegas:
• It is NOT Bulgaria!
…and the fucking heat, of course!
Love your writing style...
Fani, thank you! Although I am not wearing the writing pants in the family, I just wanted to share.
And it turned out good. Besides, now I know what to look forward to for the time when we come to Vegas. It's like a mini travel guide with insider tips...Nice.
yes, however not your usual tour guide...I would love to be your live guide!
I'm impressed by the other emigrant's point of view.
something else for sharing soon ?:)
Seems like I'll have to reduce the publishing rights of alkA, since she seems to be getting a better feedback than the original blog author. If she writes so cool, tell her to make her own blog! There she could have all the fans and positive feedback she wants! Here you're supposed to write stuff like:"I see your point, but you should let Stoyan do the writing" or "Nice try". None of that praise to others on my turf ;)
stoyan...lol!!! Alex...good job!! Seems like ur a lil conflicted about the going back thing...and its amazing what a perspective you have!!!! I would never think of Vegas as a clean city...as I would imagine most Americans wouldnt...but coming from another country...I guess its all about perspective!!! Miss ya guys!! Hows work?
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