A beast grabbed me by the throat.
Memories – rushing down my spine, penetrating me with their relentless honesty.
A boy, running through the small streets of my hometown. Friends around me. Playing hide and seek, riding bikes and skateboards. Playing with fire, playing with fireworks. Getting in trouble. Burned that kid’s arm – a piece of the fireworks fell in his sleeve. We ran off. They rushed him to the hospital.
The Black Sea. The Sea we took for granted all those years. We jumped of the pier to sober up after a long afternoon drinking picnic. Freedom! Real freedom! No rules, no regulations, no age limit, no “drunks not allowed in public places”!
The endless walks and dates on the beach; the cheap bars, clubs and going to the movies for 25cents.
A beer was a lev, a pizza was two.
The sea park, the endless walks with my forever and ever friend Ray, the smell of the sea, the cold, the hot, the foliage, the spring.
My school. Who even likes their school? I loved mine! I had the coolest friends! The funnest and the toughest teachers.
I remember Varna. And for the first time in six years, in SIX YEARS! For the first time I miss it!
Nostalgia. It’s such a beautiful feeling! If you haven’t felt it, you are missing lovely minor tones in a rhapsody. The dark colors in the drama, the ghosts in the attic.

I met the love of my life there. In the twisted labyrinths of fate. I spent sleepless nights imagining my life in the future. All that really matters has come true! Everything else is vanity!
All we need is love, all we need is simplicity, all we need is freedom, but not the prosaic freedom of the place I’m at right now. Freedom of the soul!
I’m waking up. The memories are fading. The snake’s still there.
Remember where you came from?
I miss Ray, who loved to "eat" frogs.. :) and my Strife, who loved to eat everything..beautiful souls somewhere in the space, we can not see them, we can not touch them..only feel them..somehow is not enought, but can't do anything, life..
looks soooo nice there!!!!
This was really deep. Made me miss it too.....
I felt like that so many times in the past 8 years since i left Bulgaria...
Wishing i could go back in the past... I guess i had just realized how precious all that was...The more the time passes by, the more i realize that what really matters in life - the few true friends, the family, the careless youth - have always been there and still are, just probably weren't appreciated fully, the way they should have been, but they're there!
I like the "original Bulgarian" sign behind me...
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