A new feeling every day!
Never have I thought that I’d be one of those “my kid’s better than your kid”, but today, when the Russians told us that their daughter has “all her teeth” (baby Sami is from the one-toothed breed or better said - ½ toothed) and almost walks, and after I saw her standing pretty stable on the ground, I gotta admit – I felt a bit jealous, well quite jealous. I already pictured myself guessing how many books will the boy next door have read during summer vacation and who scored better on the Math Olympiads. Sami, I promise not to compare you with anyone anymore.
So, we went to that baby gym (I know, they even have things like that – crazy!) this morning and I thought Sami was going to be the smallest baby in the gym. The rest of the kids – running around, going crazy, playing with balls and screaming, our little Sami – bound to the ground, crawling a bit here and there, just to play with the ball and lazily to check the other midgets out. But after the Russian couple, with whom we somehow always mysteriously end up in the same places (the dog park, a couple of years ago, where they also walked their bulldog, then the pre-baby class in the hospital, now – both families with kids – at the baby gym) brought their 8 ½ month-old daughter Diana, he had some company. Well, I already told you about the weird way I found myself feeling, but I’m sure Sami couldn’t care less. They played a little and it was very cute how he was getting excited and had fun doing new things and interacting.
The best of all was to hear him laugh so hard, when we stepped together on the bouncing trampoline and jumped up and down.
The new emotions must have taken it out of him. He fell asleep as soon as we put him in the car. Now you’ll know where to find us on Tuesday and Friday mornings.
your just pissed bc they were Russian...Its the old country battle...LOL
Hey Stoyan,
I've been following your blog off and on for a while now along with a few other personal blogs and peoples' channels on youtube and I finally got around to giving you guys some feedback :) You say you are out here to share what's inside your soul and to inspire - I find your output so touching and meaningful and rather pathetic and worthless at the same time. I hope you don't have a problem with paradoxes :) I can only hope your creative outlet (a venue where you can be yourself and/or look to find yourself) is able to empower you enough so you get to change your life and find your natural balance again :)
You put emphasis on inviting comments and while there is No one right way to get productive results discussions do allow for challenges criticism the like and just as a parachute a mind only functions when open so I'm all for helping each other to Not get stuck in our ways and Not get rigid and stale :) Being Flexible and Aware we stand a hugely greater chance at Evolving for the better in the long run :)
Your story is so real and tangible and so human just like so many of us out there - intelligent sensitive people seeking to stop and undo the harm our way of life is causing. But we absolutely have to go farther than that get of off our asses and away from the screens of our computers in the real world in our everyday life to Unite to Enact what's inside so that we leave something worthwhile and sustainable to those who come along after us. I urge you to make sure this is not your limit do not stop here with this and I bet you probably ain't but I want to sound off the alarm just in case :)
I feel for you - for digging yourself into a miserable hole for being in a cage where you can't even find the bars that are holding you in any more but you seem at least still Awake I hope so and then it is never too late! I for one have started slowly but surely walking away from it all in teeny tiny steps bit by bit reclaiming myself and reconnecting with myself and it's both heaven and hell it's blissful and atrocious at the same time but I have no problem with it I've come prepared and I can handle it and live in some sort of peace and harmony with it.
One heck of a location you got there the best of the best - fear and loathing in vapid Las Vegas no shit! But that doesn't automatically mean anything, really, just being ironic :) I don't know, man, I care I worry and my heart breaks for the likes of us and then I tire I don't give a fuck I feel sick that we are the way we are ... Accepting and rejecting, amazed and terrified, loving and hating at the same time ... makes no sense and yet makes perfect snese you dig the vibe maybe :) Well I don't know ... just chipping in and hoping to make a difference one way or another :) Take care, please do, you are needed!
D, thank you for the beautiful feedback! And I thought I was only writing to my friends! I'm just getting warmed up, man. In this emptied waiter's head there's still a lot of fuel left - fed both by love and hatred - low on satisfaction, but high on inspiration. I feel like I can keep going for a while!
Thanks again!
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