It was Samuil’s name-day today (August 20th)!
For the ignorant ones, not familiar with the deeply rooted Bulgarian traditions, let me clarify, that this is a celebration of the saint, after whom you are named. My history teacher from eight grade, who generally taught us a little history and a bunch of BS, including US presidential conspiracy theories, and who got kicked off the school for talking dirty to the girls, said one day that everybody is named after some kind of saint, and whether they can trace their name back to its origins is their problem.
The feeling on your name-day is similar to the way you feel on the birthday of your name. Just kidding, I know if you’re not Bulgarian, right now you are like “ooo’kaaaye”. But it’s like a mini-birthday.
So, now that we finally cleared the name-day thing out, let’s get back to the story. On St. Samuil’s day, early, early in the morning, we went to the Encore hotel for breakfast – to celebrate.
We simply sat at the café, which is a casual restaurant. First of all, even the atmosphere was far more than casual. Wonderful chandeliers, intricate curtains, colorful bouquets of flowers, elegant servers.
Normally, being as messed up as I am by my profession, I hardly have a meal where I’m not constantly on the lookout for mistakes, impoliteness and lack of attentiveness. I totally expected bad service there, where lots of Europeans-who-don’t-tip-enough-but-have-high-demands dine, especially after they heard us speaking Bulgarian. But to our surprise, we were greeted by friendly faces with big smiles on. This fact alone helped us shift gears completely and transform us (me) from the classic morning grumpster, into a positive family. I thought for a moment how contagious good mood could be and how strongly we get affected by positive (or by the same token by negative) people.
So, if you end up in Encore and eat at the Café, I suggest you try the mashed peas with carrots and onions, and then have the mashed mango for dessert, accompanied of course, by 4oz. of formula. Oops, no, no, that’s if you’re nine months! Your mom should probably have brought that for you already. YOU, should try the granola with organic yogurt and berries. Mmm, it’s yum and good for you!
After a wonderful breakfast and many coffee refills, we went shopping for the name-day boy, of course, but it seemed like at the Paul Frank store, only the clothes for adults were on sale, so we decided, that while he’s that young, it’s us who should get the presents.
And there you go! Restaurant and presents for mom!
Yeey, already can’t wait for his birthday!
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