Is it a question of who you are?
Is it a choice that you make?
Is it a matter of reason, or an uncontrollable emotion?
Happiness is a bitch! The more you try to cultivate her, the further from you she runs. If you pretend she’s yours, she makes sure you know that she’s not.
Sometimes you have all the right circumstances and you feel miserable. Other times, nothing makes sense, your life seems like a complete mess and somehow you find yourself happy.
I know it’s a matter of appreciation, but often I so wish I could appreciate what I have and yet I don’t. Of course, only once you lose something, you understand the real value it’s had to you, but why are we so doomed, that it’s almost impossible to be happy for what we have and what we are? After all, we all agree, this IS our life. The now, the here, not tomorrow, not someday and somewhere. And psychological research proves that the changes can’t make you permanently happy. It’s who you are that always shines through any emotional mask.
If we want to be happy, we have to truly work on it, strive to achieve it and learn to maintain it. We need to progress through unlearning the old patterns of thinking and rethink our every thought, even our beliefs.
Learning to be happy is one of the hardest things to learn in life. Can you? I’ve been trying. There’s so much I want to appreciate and I can’t. What is the way? What is the key? It’s all so obscure and overwhelming! If you take the wrong path, you can end up in despair, but this journey is the quest for life and it’s worth trying…
catch it!
I know this bitch called 'Happy'. She comes and goes depending on her menstrual cycle. I hate people identifying me with her. Are you 'Happy' ? No, i'm not, I'm just myself.
I think being yourself and enjoying your life is more important, than being this bitch ('Happy'). Sometimes it's fun, sometime's not. Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it sucks, sometimes life just stops. But do we enjoy it, despite all that? The good and the bad, the ups and downs as a freakingly scary and fun rollercoaster...
After all i think Miss Happiness is just an illusion, a concept, a belief we so desperatly strive to achieve, cus we're naturally 'unhappy' creatures...
But we don't need Her...
p.s. Just close your eyes and Enjoy...
Very, very well said!
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