Idealistic advertisements for a “better life”?
“Live for today!”
“Live every day like it’s your last!”
Who does?
Why is it that people so vehemently proclaim ways of life they alone can never follow?
Who can actually DO that?
Let’s for a moment take the expression literally and imagine I knew that today was the last day of my life. I definitely wouldn’t go to work, right? I wouldn’t sleep much, because who wants to waste all this time? I won’t spend a second without my wife and my son, I’d maybe bungee off the highest jump, I’d definitely not spare a cent for the most lavish meal I can imagine, we’ll rent a private jet and fly to some nearby warm place to go for a swim in the ocean, and who knows what else my domesticated mind would allow me to dream of...
But I better not wake up the next morning, because I’ll be out of a job, so my family will stay hungry; out of savings, money for my mortgage, and soon my family might even be homeless. So to speak, after just one of those days, my life will be in ruins. Let’s not forget, that people say “live EVERY day like it’s your last”. How many of those can we handle? Not too many…I would guess.
In the not so literal sense - if I decided to live for today and still plan for our well-being of tomorrow, I’ll have to go to work. This leaves six hours of “free” time, to deal with a baby, a dog, the cars, the house, banks, clothes, cooking, cleaning, shopping – chores, chores, chores! If I’m lucky I will have 1 hour! ONE hour to “live for today!!!”
Our life is controlled by money, work, STUFF and “entertainment”! All those are time eating machines that we have incorporated in our minds. These are the chains we were preconditioned to lock our own selves in. And, honestly, I don’t see a way around it.
To me it seems like today’s “carpe diem” means spend a day with as much love, smiles and creativity as possible, so while your life is being stolen from you, you can steal some of it back.
Here is what I thought about it when I was eighteen and I feel it hasn’t changed much:
Nowhere to Hide
Money makes the world go round,
killing people every day.
We all love to hear its sound –
just to live we have to pay.
I have never known this feeling –
the slow sinking in the sand.
All dreams looked possible.
With no money we were all friends.
I wish I’d stay like this forever.
I never wanna “enter life”.
Staying at the door still hurts enough,
But “inside” I will not survive.
Always dreaming, always asking
how to turn the world the other way around.
Time goes on, the leash gets shorter
with every step and every sound.
One thought turns the other over,
one step changes paths and time.
Are we walking through it sober?
Is money just a sentence to mankind?
“We can live without it” I say.
You say “believers never die”.
It’s hard to realize that there is no escape.
With this world we can not fight.
(At least I’m gonna try to keep an open mind)
So, spare me the super inflated, over-idealistic daydreams of a meaningful and free life, because they make me even sicker than the ugliness of the modern world! Shut up, go to work and let your mind slowly numb down to total forgetfulness and plastic smiles. Fuck you!
Tianka, I love reading your blog and will now dare to comment, although from a very different point of view…
I actually think that "Live every day like it’s your last" is a wonderful slogan, however, only if you DON’T read it literally. You are right, taking it word by word, it would mean blowing up our lives, but how if you just keep it lingering in the back of your mind, taste if for a while...
Could it rather keep you mindful...? Mindful of the things you do on a daily basis and of the people around you. By letting this slogan into your thoughts, gradually you’ll be forced to ask yourself some questions: Do I like my job? Do I really need those shoes? Shall I watch tv tonight, or rather read the book that I’ve been shelving for months? How many more excuses do I have on hand?
Staying mindful for the moment is an investment for the future. It can prevent you from over-doing things, from over-working, over-spending, make you THINK about things, help you find the way to live a life that is meaningful to you, let you get rid of anger...” Live every day like it’s your last”, I see it as the red light not letting me fall asleep, as the reminder that yes, life is short and yes, I am actually blessed for being free - free to work, to challenge my creativity, to decide which things I really need and which I don’t...bottom line: it is the freedom of holding my life in my very own hands...not in EVERY second, but in total. Remember: the freedom of the mind and the free will – this, no one can steal from you, no system, no money, no fancy windows…unless you let them do so. It’s essential to stay reminded of it…and “carpe diem” might actually help you start doing so…make the most of current opportunities, stop making excuses…
You don't have to "dare" to comment! I love it when you comment! And I appreciate the support; and your lovely counterpoint!
My opinion and anger, however, are rooted in the fact, that we are totally robbed of everyday life and chance for enough spiritual experiences! No matter how aware and mindful you are, you are stuck in the wheel, without escape. I believe we are perpetually being enslaved and the leash is getting shorter. That's why, slogans sound romantic, but empty. They may stir you for a moment (see the "momentary lapses") but we tend to return to listlessness. When I feel enslaved, no motto will help me.
A sigh of relief, honestly! OK, then I won't be afraid of answering back :).This is why I like reading your blog, it makes one think...
See, my point is that no one (no person, no system, no nothing) can enslave you or put a leash on you or your life without you letting them do so. Let’s say that life is a string of choices. You, as a full grown person are able to make your own choices – deliberately. This also implements, that you will be able to deal with the consequences following your choices. So this is how I understand Marcus Aurelius’ words: “You will find rest from vain fancies if you perform every act in life as though it were your last”. To me he says that, if I stay mindful when taking my decisions and do my decision-making with the conviction that I am doing something crucial, realising that it will affect my life, THEN I will be able to make better choices, in the sense that they will be MINE and not dictated by something/someone else. That I will be more likely to choose the GOOD, the IMPORTANT, the one that matters….This is where the “slogan” from the advertising comes in. It was taken out of its original context and now put into the one of marketing, it receives exactly the opposite meaning! In the consumption world, the phrase is supposed to make you forget the overdraft and lure you into more spending, consequently, lure you inside of the money-making & money-spending machine. Its intention is not to make you feel better, it is the act of purchasing, of owing that will (temporary!). And yet, it is YOUR choice, whether you are going to fall for it or not! You decide what you NEED and what you DON’T, no one can force you…There is no law saying that you need to own a house, that you need a fancy car, a tv, clothes, whatever…If you decide to take them, man, do I have to tell you that they cost money and that the more money you spend the more time you will have to work….? Who is to blame? It is life the way WE chose it. Ranging against the slogans of the marketing won’t bring relief…But discussing Aurelius’ philosophy….maybe.
Тая песничка си я мислил на 11 ? Човек, ти си гений, наистина ! Съмнявам се, някой на тази възраст да мисли по този начин !
Хаха, Grim, eighteen значи 18. това си е в днешно време песен на BFH
Оле боже ! Явно вече съм бил заспал. Извинявам се, моя грешка. И все пак, добър текст :))
Junior: I on the other hand believe that the system and society can ABSOLUTELY and totally deliberately or not predetermin you to make "all the right choices". No! I do not believe that you live by your own free will, and I think that this is just another slogan. You are in a society where you HAVE NO CHOICE, but to obey the setup! You NEED to work, you NEED a home, you NEED to eat!!! SO, whatever else you may decide to chose, keep in mind, those few things (in some places there are more of those. Like in Vegas you NEED to have a car, because there is no public transportation to speak of.) will keep you chained to a job, a mortgage, a car payment, constant shopping, etc. And then, once the economy stabs its knife in your back, like it did to me, and you get scared, that your family might be out of a home, then you want to work even more, because "so you chose" so, tomorrow, for example, I'm going to "carpe diem" fr 14 hours at work.
So, not just what you do, but what you buy, or watch on TV is all predetermined for you!
Bless you for hoping it's not...but I find it irrelevant.
There's also a nice book you might like:
Peter Berger "Invitation to Sociology"
Even though, I don't base my beliefs solely on that.
Grim, благодаря ти! И песента се получи добра ;)
Hey cous,
i kind of agree with both of you ( You and Junior). I think that if one chooses to live in the Matrix (Vegas or wherever) he has to play according to the algorithm of the fucking system. So in a way he enslaves himself, but on other hand he just chose so... Everyone's free to go and live in the mountains, hunt goats, eat raw fish (survival sushi) and sleep on rocks - it's tax free, no rent, no insurance and most importantly no income revenue taxes and traffic jams. The truth is we just don't want to... We like the AC, the hot showers, the soft toilet paper, cold beers, falling asleep with a favorite song after a bottle of red wine, washing machines, dish washers, new cars, fancy restaurants, being served as we do serve others etc... We love all that and we chose to go for it, cus it's relatively easy (easier than hunting with bows and arrows), it brings us satisfaction and it smells good. I love the stuff and opportunities the system gives us, love making love to her, assuring her I'm a good citizen, but also cheating on her and treating her like a bitch. I know she also f***s me every time she gets a chance, but it's my choice. It's a weird relationship.
Anyway i appreciate and love my life and i completely assume my choice - being a prisoner in a velvet chains but with a free mind.
But i still think we should make our lives count, make a difference, appreciate & enjoy everything we have & do something about the other 90% of the population of this planet who lack some or all of the following : home, health, money, peace, clothes and do something positive for their lives, cus who knows whether we'll get another chance to do it, there might not be tomorrow...
emo, I like your point...and uortunately, we're stuck in a relationship we don't like, and we like velvet at the same time...hypocrites!
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