Have you ever wondered about the amazing randomness due to which you came into being?
Someone long time ago decided to dance with a girl, some high school teacher punished your mom for gossiping and made her sit with the biggest nerd in the class, or someday a bus was passing by and a girl noticed a neatly dressed guy, walking by a bus stop, that later became the father of her kids...your father.
Life is so amazing! The tiniest little details that turn our path in entirely new directions, the millions of different coincidences, that change our life completely – all these unnoticeable petty pieces of the puzzle that make you wonder “Where will I end up tomorrow?”
Is it really just a coincidence? Is it a divine intervention? Is it fate? Does it really matter what it is?
It seems to me that the important question is that we realize that there was an extremely little chance that we’d be alive today, and yet, here we are. We are the best sum of what the time could offer. We are the awesome product of physics, biology, mathematics, psychology, chemistry and theology, all working hard together, to make that one in a quadrillion chance work out just perfectly for you, so you can spend your life on this planet.
And what do we do with it? We waste it mostly away. Falling asleep in front of yet another TV show with two American and one British judge, driving to work, bitching at work, driving from work, daydreaming of a better day and never doing anything about it, cussing, being stuck in traffic, spending endless hours with useless conversations, shopping, gossiping, obeying…all of this is just a prove of how far from realization humanity is from the meaning of life.
I believe that it’s all about leading, creating, standing up for yourself, finding yourself, listening to your heart, being brave, being active, learning, exploring and loving!
So I just want to stir up the old muddy waters of your consciousness and make you realize how incomprehensibly slim the chances were of you being on this Earth. To make you crave more for your mind and less for your body. To help you understand that you are here for a reason, because if you weren’t here, someone else could have done a better job. But YOU were the chosen one, so you’d better make a difference! In your life, in my life, in the life of this planet. Because if you don’t, then you are just a waste of space!
1 comment:
You said it bro... nothing else to add...
I love you!
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