I normally just show up from under the covers and see smiles around me.
My picture has made my parents smile and cry at the same time, even before I was born!
This is certainly a very nice feeling! Making the world a better place feels great.
I mean what is more important than making people around you feel great?
Yes, there is the whole "meaning of life" thing and all the serious questions about it all, but
sometimes what matters is just to make someone smile.
I've also noticed people's inclination to bite me.
This certainly feels a bit uncomfortable, because I'm VERY ticklish and biting tickles me a lot.
Makes me all red too, and this is unattractive to the ladies.
I don't have to carry heavy loads yet, since my boss is pretty small and unstable, but I'm sure a day will come when he gets bigger and stronger, and then he won't give me a break.
At this time I'm just happy the way I am.
I don't understand, though, what is the problem with having the "ring" toe be the longest of all toes?
They seem to laugh at me about that. They also come up with theories how this is a symbol of greatness and what not.
I think it's just the way I was born.
Oh, I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself yet!How rude of me!
I'm Sami's foot!
Nice to meet you!
I'll leave my footprint at the bottom of your page.
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