Some days are just fucking endless! The volcano of SHIT erupts early in the morning on days like those, leaving a rain of hot crap downpour over your sleepy head every minute, so you regret ever getting out of bed.
You can normally guess it’s one of those days when you specifically went to bed “early”, so you could get enough sleep and got woken up in distress five hours later.
It’s 9:45 am and I am already exhausted!
Buddah had a bug bite her early this morning, got an allergic reaction and started choking, which woke Alex up just to find her face swollen like a losing fighter after a boxing match. Her eyes were just two creases on the ball-like face. She was snoring loud, almost unable to breathe…so, I called the emergency vet, who’s on the other side of town, and at 7am I had already gotten there! Forget about beauty sleep, forget about sleep at all! Not to mention what they charge! I’ll just tell you this much: for a “How’s she doing?” to which I replied that it’s happened before and she needs a shot, they charged me $47! It’s called “examination”!
The way American doctors – be it for adults, babies or dogs – charge, is more than obscene! It’s a robbery and a murder at the same time! I will never forget how Sami’s doctor showed us how to clean his nose and they called it “surgery” on the receipt, and charged our insurance for one! Can anyone f*@King believe this?
Oh, well, Buddah got better and we got home. I was dead tired and hoped to have a nice strong coffee. Just about then our precious Sami woke up and it all started all over again. My favorite part of all is that we got a baby gate, to put on the exit of his room, so he doesn’t crawl out of there and ruin his breakfast by filling up on Buddah’s hair off the floor. The gate was too short, though, and couldn’t fit the doorway, so we had to enhance it with an ottoman, which in turn shed its own hairs all over the carpet, so we had to vacuum clean again, twice already this morning, after we’ve licked the house clean yesterday. Why I’m telling you all this? So you can feel my constant re-grounding to point zero day in and day out. Buddah cost me all the money I made yesterday and the house looks like a pigsty, after all the cleaning. On top of it all, I’ve been writing this while playing racquetball between the computer and Sami, who now tries to climb on the bed and is extremely irritable, and vulnerable to falling back on his head…and we don’t want that.My problem is that I am the ball in this game and jumping around so early and relentlessly overwhelms me.
Thank God, there is a whole new wonderful day of work ahead of me!
That’s the kind of bitch I turn into when I don’t sleep enough! Ooooh, I need my beauty sleep!
Hey Tianka,
Without being sarcastic i think you seem to have lots of fun. Probably you wouldn't call it "fun" but let me tell you that when you read your blog in few years you'll probably miss all that. Imagine how boring would be if you just have to have one of these 8 hour sleeps, where you dream about weird stuff that you always forget about only 10 minutes after you're awake...
I think your life is real - full of color smell and emotions - something like a market in India, but only instead of lazy cows on the roads you get to have snoring dog on the carpet.
The question is, how real is it to you?...
p.s. submit yourself to the pain, it makes you feel alive!
I agree. I think those little chores actually make life a little more colorful. It may not be my favorite thing, but truth is, I'd rather do this than stay home all day and be bored out of my mind, which has happened much more before.
Also, on the other hand, these days anyone that ever asks me how I feel, I tell them I feel awesome! Because these are awesome times and our present is great. I don't know about the future, because it's scary, but the present is very real...soo...thank you forthe words of support.
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