Silence, smooth sailing, some storms here and there, but we take them as the salt of the meal and keep going. Slowly we realize that we’ve been sinking and not sailing. But it’s too late to turn around. Too late to start peddling. We’ve gotten comfortable with our lives, no matter what the winds have blown us into and keep sinking, sinking, sinking…getting comfortable with the temperature in the pot.
And I cannot avoid mentioning here one of my all-time favorite and most painful song lyrics of all time:
“…and then one day you find
Ten years have got behind you,
No one told you when to run.
You’ve missed the starting gun!...”
(Pink Floyd – “Time”)
You know what all this is leading to, so I won’t go on, because if what I have to write is predictable, it’s not worth writing.
All I have to say is that this one is for all the rebels, the rogues, the dreamers, the fighters, the winners!
This one’s for the ones that decided to break the chains, the bars, the walls!
My respect to you for deciding to fight, rather than fall asleep, to pursue your goals and dreams, to overcome the fear and overthrow the dictatorship of society, but also of your friends and relatives, who tell you you’re just fine the way you are!
My respect to you for risking to LIVE!
I’ll allow myself to quote a great friend of mine, who says: “Life is a journey, not a destination”.
So, remember this: even if you didn’t get there, at least you lived!
I was like you once. Now I feel that I’m slowly starting to get boiled in the ever-hypnotizing comfort zone…
Respect to you! The one’s that make a difference! I hope to join you again!
You ARE one of these people you're addressing here. It may not seem that way from your perspective, but it looks like that from aside. You have a child and you keep on traveling and you love life and new experiences. You're not just sitting in a pot, oblivious to the world and its wonders. You even multiplied! So here I wish to congratulate the new person who'll join our ever-rebelling lines! Welcome, Sami! Time is on our side:)
by the way i read everything, I'm just not that much of a commentator:)
Rogue, awww, well thank you. Remember if you dont like something...change it!!!! And the above is right....You are...youll get there....just keep the dream alive...and like u said...keep living!!!! Cant wait till the next time I see you again.... Best of luck to you in everything. And of course tell ur gorgeous wife hello for me!!!! And mini stoyan~~~~
Well said and just in time. Just as I quit my job and my boss made me feel like I was 14 again and have run away from home, disapointing everyone,being sooo selfish and irresponsible. Made me feel so sorry for deciding to LIVE my life and move forward.And you are absolutely right,except for the moment,when I started feeling guilty for WISHING to feel alive.
Interesting.....the comfortable zone is inevitable. No matter what you do, even if you are Hefner, one day you will wake up old. You will have spent time raising a kid, earning for his education, the house, the hobby that made you feel a bit alive....It's a schedule you cannot escape, unless you go live in the woods, away from the comforts of today's life, work the land for your living. Then you will be truly different, not a consumer, but a producer, self-sustaining and independent. All rest is a different degree of comfortable numbness (to use another pink floyd quotation).
So, whether I make sense or not, your writing made me think and I put it here :). I guess provoking is a good word to call this piece of yours.
Hey dear people!!! I like you point of view and i like the direction this is going - a discussion!!! I think cous, likes it too... ;)
What i really think is that we really like our comfort zone! We just like to brag about that we don't! We like to see ourselves as open minded revolutionaries, mini Carl Marx', bringing our families and lives into the promise land of perfection, where milk and honey flow from the taps and everyone has an apartment...
I agree we should go and follow our dreams, I think i do live my dream, but why don't we do it, cus we like soft couches, cold beers, sunny beaches, cool cars, comfy clothes etc... We like comfort. Comfort is the religion of today. Not money or something else; money's just the mean that gives us comfort! We praise and loathe comfort. Why loathe it? Cus we have to make sacrifices to obtain it, otherwise how happy we would have been to have it given to us for free. So what's the point then? Well i just think we should appreciate every moment we have; whether it's good or bad and try to find beauty in simple things of everyday life, not thinking that we'll be happier someday when we get the job we wished for or go observe whales in the wild and film documentaries about naked african women.
With all respect - raise the temperature, i like hot baths...
..from just a frog
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