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Friday, April 9, 2010

A time of realization

our time isn't as important anymore. I guess we may have learned to be less selfish...we spent our entire weekend making Sami that weird? I mean we always used to have fun with our own grown-up stuff only...and look at us now...we're at the playground, accidently kicking little girls in the face on the rides (thank gOD, this girl couldn't deliver the message to her mom!!!! Else, I'd have been in trouble....I didn't mean it, she was in my way when I was chasing Sami off a ride!...Yes, she did have amark on her face...Yes, I do feel terrible!...Yes, life is Unfair!) and having fun of our own. It's strange, but nowadays when Sami's happy, we're extatic :)...Weird parenthood emotions...who would have thought...

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