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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Our Daily Poison

Define food!

Don't do it for me, do it for yourself. What is the reason we shop, cook, taste, learn, socialise, dine, etc.? No matter how you put it, food is our source of energy. Therefore, food = life. Easy enough, as No food = No life!

But something we all forget from time to time is that food is an external object that we allow into our body. Often without much thought, we take a strawberry, a biscuit or a peanut and faithfully inject it into our own core. And we do it on the basis of two main aspects of blind faith: 1. That what we put in our mouth is actually FOOD (meaning a source of energy, rather than a substance to fill our stomachs and fool us that we're not hungry any more) and 2. That IF it is harmful in a way, or contains harmful substances, our body will be clever enough to get rid of what hurts us and only keep the good stuff.

But we are often wrong in both beliefs together. And the result is: disease. And unfortunately today it is SO difficult to stay away from disease, that every single one of us knows or loves somebody that is suffering or dying from incurable diseases. What happened with cancer? I distinctly remember how terrified I was of AIDS. Now all of a sudden, I don't hear about it anymore. Somehow it's under control? All of a sudden people live with it? But whatever happened with cancer? Have you ever been more exposed to news of cancer than today? It's everywhere I turn. I've lost friends and I've lost relatives. And I know that when I was growing up it just wasn't that common!!!

I myself explain it to a large portion with one thing: Our Daily Poison! And whilst I may add stress to the list of daily poisons, I may say that we have less control over stress but can have much more control over what we put in our bodies.

Why is it that McDonalds hamburgers last forever? Did you know? Why is it that I bought baby spinach two weeks ago and forgot about it in my fridge and today it was perfectly fresh, crispy and not a single leaf had gone bad? Why do tomatoes seem to go for a month before they go bad? And lettuce? And why do I get such a powerful stomach-ache every time I eat (accidently) Chinese garlic? If you still don't know what I'm saying is it's that they are simply not food! They are poisonous enough that no other creature (fungus, microbes, or pests while in the field) would touch them!

Why is there aluminium in drinking water? Why is fluoride added to drinking water and toothpaste when it's detrimental to health? (and don't try and get picky with me on the links I post here, because I don't wanna load you with scientific papers) Why do they want to vaccinate babies IN UTERO??? This is not a joke! I have received an e-mail inviting me to a seminar, discussing exactly that!

You get my point. And I'm afraid we are caught in a trap. Genetically modified corn, meat and eggs stuffed with antibiotics (not to even mention the suffering and torture animals have to endure before they are slaughtered), fish full of poisonous deadly radioactive mercury (in addition to the devastation of marine you eat tuna for example? WATCH The End of the Line - type the name in the search box here and watch the movie!!! Please do it!

I know, my friends, there is no escape...but what I suggest you do is 1. Educate yourself on those harms and be mindful when you make your choices. If not for yourselves, then at least for your children. And 2. TRY! Buy organic whenever you can, because drugs are more expensive down the line. Avoid anything plastic, as much as possible! Bags, boxes, bottles! And 3. Whenever you have the opportunity, voice your opinion! Share, educate others, participate in debates, in elections, in policy formations or merely support the ones who do. This is all we can do in order to try and stay healthy to the best of our ability. Or else, we doom ourselves and our children to disease and misery. If not today, then surely 20 years down the line. And as many of you may not know what it's like in a care clinic for elderly, some day I'll tell you about my experience of a 12-hour night shift as a nurse in such a unit. I gotta tell made me think.

Stay healthy and think about this next time you choose where to buy your food. Will it be your food or your poison!?

Look at all this color!

Sami and I went for all organic today. He looooved the fruits! I've never seen him want to eat more fruit!

I read in the "China Study" that colors in food mean antioxidants and mean youth and health! Yum!

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