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Monday, January 11, 2010

Love to Hate and Hate to Love?

Love comes to us in the most peculiar ways. It’s in the crevices of the hidden looks, shared thoughts or the mutual subconsciousness that stuns us with the singing the same song or saying the same words simultaneously, just out of the blue. Or did you think love necessarily means flowers, breakfasts in bed and romantic nights with a bottle of wine? I think if you do, you should think again, because there’s love in the washing the dishes, so your loved one doesn’t have to. There’s love in leaving her alone with her thoughts, there’s love in silence. With my over a decade-long experience in the art of “love”, I still struggle to find the right words to describe what I truly feel inside. And that’s probably what’s best about it. It’s indefinable.

Love, however, cannot live without its other half – hatred. For only when you truly hate, can you truly love. Remember, when I told you that the opposite of love is fear? I still firmly believe that. But PART of love is hate! Just as when there’s no dark there can be no light, without hate there can be no love! So, don’t fret, my dear! Any such “destructive” feelings you may have, are just the winds that shake the tree off it’s lifeless leaves and prepare it for the winter, so in the spring it can bloom in the most amazing colors.

At times you may think all love is lost, when it’s in its prime, for when there’s wind, there is movement and life! It’s when time stands still that death is upon us.


Without love, there is no life! Without hate, there is no love!

Hiding your feelings from yourself and your close ones may make you a murderer…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love is so fragile and hate is strong, but what about the trees that dont make it to see the spring and die before they bloom with no strength yet so fragile. Love can become a weakness .......