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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sami & Memi

Now they are inseparable! I can see LOVE growing inside my son's beautiful little heart! He finds so much comfort and tenderness in his friend...may be just as much as he used to show for Buddah...You should hear the joyful call, as Sami climbs up the stairs towards his bed "Memi, Memi, Memiiii" (Comes from "meche" - little bear in Bulgarian). He made up the name and ever since, they spend every night together!

That pure joyful love and tenderness melts me and with it, my own ever-growing love for him overpowers me! He gave me TWO kisses for good-night tonight!

I keep finding more and more levels of mad love in myself! Feelings I didn't know existed!

Thank you, my son!

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