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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Glass is Half...........

My life is awesome and i sucks at the same time!
I have an amazing family and no chance to appreciate it, because I concentrate on the problems instead.
I have all the music and no time to listen to it!
I make tons of money and it's not even enough to cover my bills!
I only work a little bit and I still hate it!
I have a dog that skateboards and I have to clean every day because of her.
I have tons of friends and no one to have a beer with!
I have all the skateboards I've ever dreamt of, but I have to leave them the past.
I have a TV but nothing to watch!
I have inspiration, but I'm too tired to write.
I have a home but I can't afford it.

I have it all! And I am nowhere.

There's one thing and one thing only that I have and wish to keep forever, even if you want to take all else from me: my family, my love! With this alone...I'm satisfied. All else is vanity!


Anonymous said...

Good one!
This sums it all up, really. Everything boils down to this. Ironical, but the bible (which you despise) said "All is vanity" almost 2000 years before you :).

CToRH said...

I don't despise the bible at all!!! I think it's a good read. I despise religion as an organized structure. I find the bible to be as interesting as a book of legends. Often, within legends and myths, great values and lessons can be found. That is why they endure the test of time, right? So, yes, anonymous, I actually like yuor remark.