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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Humanity is Cancer

Ever heard the story of the man, who had cancer and decided to cure himself by talking to it and asking the cancer cells to leave his body. He explained to them that when they kill him, they too shall die, he brought about emotional points of view, scientific evidence, and even presented all the organizations, fighting against cancer to his cancer cells...the results were amazing. The cancer listened and left the man alone. The cancer cells decidd that common sense was better than dying and this was the first ever succesful cancer cure!

Ever heard that story?


Because it never happened! Because as much as we wish it were true, it was just a dream, and cure is just a chimera to the common folk. Because no matter how you try, your communication with the senseless is futile!

So, imagine this organism, called Earth! It's entire system is infected with deadly virus, called Man! An endlessly gnawing, grazing, killing, destroying, consuming species, that likes to call itself HUMANE! A grotesque, self-proclaimed image of God , completely engulfed by a hunger...and not a biological hunger, but a mutatation, known as power and greed! It's the reason why this virus oversees all the signs, the whispers and the shoves that his host organism sends him! It's the reason why Humanity turns a blind eye to the snapping sound of braking ropes, just before its stronghold of omnipotence falls into oblivion!

I resent you, people! I resent your filthy little habits, ever-unchanging, ever-so-ignorant! I resent your ways and your rules! Your heartlessness, your carelessness! It's because of you, that my son will NOT be able to MUSE at the miracles of the ocean reefs, like his dad did! It's you, why he won't have clean water to drink and will suffer from diseases! It's you, why most the animals I so adore, will be extinct, turned into soups, gravys and exotic dishes, or just carelessly destroyed, while you build your mansions of greed, before my Sami has a chance to see them in the wild! It's YOU, why my son will have to face hunger and poverty, and sickness! Because THIS IS WHAT YOU BRING TO THIS PLANET! YOU VIRUS, YOU LEECH, YOU DISEASE!

With your actions, you bring death!
With your ignorance, you bring death!
With your ways, you bring death!
With your carelessness, you bring death!
With your INACTIVITY, you bring death!

And I only wish your death would bring liberation! But, unfortunately, your death will mean you've grazed away everything there once lived! It will mean that the poor man, who tried to breathe some common sense into his cancer cells....died!

Humanity is cancer!

It's up to you to decide: Are you a benign, or a malignant cell!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're damn right BUT I believe there is still hope that the conciousness of humanity will awake in time to change the end of the story ...and besides I 've heard a lot of stories about cancer as the above that were real.
Nevena Na