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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mamichko, Ja Sam Se Porsala!

There was an unusual sound as I emptied my mailbox, full of for things you don't need, ads for stores you don't shop at and letters from people, you've never heard of, addressed to Styanao Staniaeauvou, or Stoyan Staneva, or to Alekxsandia Stanout.

But, as I pulled those poor dead trees, just so I can transfer them back into my recycling bin, I heard a nice clinging sound. "A key?...Noo, we haven't ordered anything recently. We're trying to get rid of things." But soon enough, before I know it, my fingers had turned the key into the parcell mail inbox and there I heard the sound they play in movies, when the good guy finds the gold treasury, or the room of the harem. I know that sound distinctly, because that's the sound our fridge used to make, every time after I got back to my parents' home after a couple of months of college, where the only sound my fridge had been making was an echo...

There was a big box there! And it was addressed to me! A present? Something Alex didn't tell me about? But the big sticker on it said "Polska". And then all I had to do was look at the writing. I felt such a wonderful jolt of enrgy going through my body! Such an exciting breath of air! It was from my highschool friend, now known as Mr.P.Stankov, PhD.

I got home and left the box on the kitchen counter. A little trick, my cousine had taught me back in the old times, when receiving a package in Bulgaria was like a holiday for me. You want to know what's in it, but you wait! You walk the dog, you change, get a beer and sit comfortably on the couch. Then, armed with scissors and a knife, you carefully open the box, without rushing or tearing anything. Slowly, corner by corner, tape by tape. And in the end, it's ready...

The first thing I saw, when I lifted the lid was the letter! And who, other than the afore mentioned people from the junk-mail factory, writes LETTERS there days?
When was the last time you sat down, pulled a sheet of paper and started writing anyone a letter?

Well, there it was: "Dear Tyana!" He saw an Operation Ivy t-shirt and got it for me! I mean, I live in the land of abundance and Dr.P found a gift for me, that I needed so badly: a friends love!

So, my dear friend, a lesson learned! Next time I want to show someone how much they mean to me, I'll write them a REAL letter and I'll let them know they're still in my heart!


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