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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bootcamp for Dads

Nonononono! No words can describe it! No painter can draw it, no musician can write a song about it! The love and connection that I have with that little creature has grown beyond the limits of comprehension! I know, you have heard of the parent’s love, but this is unheard of! If you haven’t experienced it, you can’t know what it is (please, don’t take this as an invitation to make kids, contact me at 702-xxx-xxxx to actually tell you about the downside of it).
Alex said that she had always imagined that I’d be a perfect dad. And I wasn’t for months and up to like 13 of them, I was a total goon! I was ALWAYS forgetting things, dropping things, dropping Sami (kidiiiiiiing!), letting him cry without tending to him ( I guess I always thought it’s normal. Babies cry.), and I honestly tried and I tried and I tried, but I just couldn’t make it happen.
Now! Now come see me! I’m a superdad! It’s pointless to say how like a Shiva I do everything around the house while Alka’s gone and how I haven’t forgotten anything from Samuil’s tight schedule, but the connection we now have is unbelievable! I think I finally became a dad! The hard way! Through the dad boot camp. But, whatever it takes, dear boy, whatever it takes to grow up, I guess 30 is about time you did.
The match that lit that fire ablaze was the afternoon when Alka was leaving. I was lying on the couch in pain from the terrible congestion I had and he crawled up to me, caressed me and said “Ooo, Ooo, Ooo!”  and there it was – the first true communication between us started then and I reap the fruits of it every moment now. With every hug and smile, with every mischief and even cry I get filled with that new emotion!
I’m a dad now! Some might say I catch on kind of slowly…



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