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Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Accident

He ran swiftly accross the room, leaving me startled and breathless. Both my wife and I immediately stopped what we were doing and ran behind him, trying our hardest not to scare him and to catch him at the same time. There were a few moments of terror, as he jumped, righed before he landed on the box. In only a few seconds our hearts skipped a hundred times. Cold sweat covered our skins and our liver flashed before our eyes. All the joyful moments of serenity and naive bliss, all the futile hope that 'those things always happen to someone else', all empty reasurances...all of them in vain. Now it was happening to us. And it couldn't be undone. It meant a huge future change, a constant care and worry, a neverending necessity for vigulance. For as it happened once, meant that it would happen again. And what if that time he wouldn't land on the box, but say on my hand, or foot? Then I would probably end up in a hospital!
So, there he was, standing on the box, staring at me and flashing me with those deep, vicious eyes - a look I will remember for a long time...and then only one thing was left to be done, as nothing had helped me in the past two minutes: it was going to be me or him. So I summoned my last bits of courage, jumped with an inhuman strength and hit him on the head with the hard part of the sole of my 'Vans'...and he fell...

It was over, but I was still shaking. From now on we would have a whole new appreciation for poisonous Australian spiders. And we will most certainly invest in good doors and good poisons! Amen

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Yes! The 'winter' in Brisbane is warmer than the 'summer' in Manchester! Yes, the sun is a constant presence! Yes, the city is cozy and versatile! Yes, there are strange birds, weird animals and...scary scary ass spiders. Yes, the first impressions are promissing!

I hope the house- and job-hunting goes well. Then I can finally rest my mind that things are going to be fine again.

Until then the sweetness of this place remains nearly untasted.

Sunday, August 19, 2012


аз: Сами, ще те изпапкам!
той: Не ме изпапквай, тате, защото ако ми се доиграе с някоя играчка, трябва да я лапнеш, за да си играя с нея!

аз: Не пипай там!
той: Защо?
аз: Защото аз съм The Boss и казвам, че не може да пипаш там.
той: Аз също съм The Boss, защото съм мъж, а мъжовете са The Boss.
аз: А жените какви са?
той: Мами.

ал: Сами, като падне някой плод на земята, винаги ми го носиш, за да го изпапкаме
той (на английски): We don't eat them, because they are MRUS (мръсни на английски, според него)


продължаваме да се смеем!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Welcome to Brisbane!

After 4 days of travel, including: 120 kilos of luggage, a 10 hour bus ride, 2 mega-stuffed taxi rides, 3 take-offs and 3 landings, countless sleepless hours and an over-enduring jet-lag, WE ARE HERE!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A new adventure

Dear English speaking friends,

you may not know that my dear, awesome, beloved, amazing wife has won a one-in-the-whole-world scholarship, to study a PhD in Brisbane, Australia. As a result, we all packed up from rainy, muddy, mouldy Manchester and went on a nearly two-month 'vacation' to Bulgaria (the quotations are here as Bulgaria is almost always a bag of bad surprises, rather than a vacation).

As of yesterday, we are all in a new reality. Tropical winter of 22 Celsius, walks along botanical gardens, iguanas, ibises and sheer beauty and pure wonder of what this is and what's to come.

Stay tuned, as I plan to quickly sneak out of reality and report to you what in the world is going on in this new world. But be advised: it's going to be amazing!

