I have the unfortunate fate of often being ridiculed by my dear wife about my fashion beliefs. It's true that the obsession with clothes and accessories never quite developed and remained in its rudimentary form of the old-school-hardcore-punk-skateboarding style. Every now and then, though I crack and I have one of those good-hair days, where somehow I match the right set of clothes on my back and I get a thumbs-up from alkA. Yet, during our US days, I've been called quite 'European' looking by my friends at work, when they saw me with my checkered Billabong jacket.
To them 'European' or gay is often an interchangeable 'offense' and I have plenty of examples to prove that one day...
But this post is not about that.
I figured that the day would come, when I'd look at the modern teens and be like my grandfather, when he almost got a heart-attack, seeing my earrings. I didn't however think I'd be that surprised that early in my life.
So, to me the way they made clothes this winter was...so that everyone can finally dress ugly and never have to worry about looking bad anymore. This way, if you look like a rug, who cares if you're walking amongst scarecrows.
But, enough talking. Judge for yourself!
So, my friends, ugly's the new black! I say go to your grandma's attic or basement, dig out what you can find and you'll blend in just fine. But then again, who am I to judge. I'd probably pick the white/blue dress from the third picture anyway :)
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Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
If you want the sun to start shining again...
Sometimes all you need to do is take off your blinds.
It's not always the case, but more often than not, it works!
The 'glass is half empty' attitude does little but hurt us. Rarely can you get motivated by a negative thought. And when you focus on everything that's good and true and positive, you get the powerful energy supply of your inner God. This is the inhuman energy that people muse about when they talk about extraordinary achievements and demonstrations of strength and spirit!
I will not go as far as telling you that this is all you need, as often a boost is necessary. But a boost can be found even in your loved ones eyes...so you don't always have to look too far!
For the sun has never stopped shining! Most of the time we are just unable to see it.
It's not always the case, but more often than not, it works!
The 'glass is half empty' attitude does little but hurt us. Rarely can you get motivated by a negative thought. And when you focus on everything that's good and true and positive, you get the powerful energy supply of your inner God. This is the inhuman energy that people muse about when they talk about extraordinary achievements and demonstrations of strength and spirit!
I will not go as far as telling you that this is all you need, as often a boost is necessary. But a boost can be found even in your loved ones eyes...so you don't always have to look too far!
For the sun has never stopped shining! Most of the time we are just unable to see it.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
to my love
We may have traded TV for a fireplace,
our car for a skateboard,
our house for an accommodation,
comfort for adventure,
the 2-for-10-cellophane-wrapped flower-bunches for pick-us-from-the-meadow-get-mud-under-your-fingernails crocuses,
the trips to the mall for walks to the coffee shop,
restaurants for beers in the pUb...
but we didn't trade our hearts for rocks,
our souls for plastics,
our minds for slumber,
and our love for habit.
So, on this day, allow me this humble gift to you, my dear:
We live in wealth,
we live in dearth,
we live in health,
around the Earth
And everywhere is home,
and everything is fine,
as long as you still love me,
as long as you're my Valentine!
our car for a skateboard,
our house for an accommodation,
comfort for adventure,
the 2-for-10-cellophane-wrapped flower-bunches for pick-us-from-the-meadow-get-mud-under-your-fingernails crocuses,
the trips to the mall for walks to the coffee shop,
restaurants for beers in the pUb...
but we didn't trade our hearts for rocks,
our souls for plastics,
our minds for slumber,
and our love for habit.
So, on this day, allow me this humble gift to you, my dear:
We live in wealth,
we live in dearth,
we live in health,
around the Earth
And everywhere is home,
and everything is fine,
as long as you still love me,
as long as you're my Valentine!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Миличка Стели,
Благодаря ти, че ме ми разреши да си играя с играчките ти; Да чета книжките ти;

Да забучвам шапки на виличките ти;

Да папам на столчето ти;
Да спинкам в леглото ти;
Да акам на гърнето ти;
Да гледам през прозореца ти;

Да танцувам на дивана ти;
Надявам се да мога и аз някой ден така да те подслоня!
И не се тревожи! Всичко съм си изчистил!
Да забучвам шапки на виличките ти;
Да папам на столчето ти;
Да спинкам в леглото ти;
Да акам на гърнето ти;
Да гледам през прозореца ти;
Да танцувам на дивана ти;
Надявам се да мога и аз някой ден така да те подслоня!
И не се тревожи! Всичко съм си изчистил!
С мама и татко ти благодарим за гостоприемството!!!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
The Best Rider - on the Strongest Horse, Please!
As a kid my cousin and I used to play this game with an old indian (native American for the politically correct, which was not part of my childhood dictionary) tribe with beautiful horses and a "cowboy" fort. There were guns, there were huts, wooden houses, hats and battles...
In my pursuit for perfection, being taught to be quite anal even as a kid, I used to always put the best-looking rider, with the richest garments and the biggest muscles on the prettiest, white horse. To me this was a way of looking at the chance to have it all. Then of course, there'd be the struggle of who would play with that toy, because the alternative was the ugly indian on the ugly horse, which noone wanted to play with.
My cousin always had a different approach. He'd mix and match. Something, completely irritating to me. Since in that case there was no way of full satisfaction. You were either stuck with the ugly rider, or the beat-up horse.
Today this makes me think how early in life lessons come, to teach us submission. The "you can't have it all" attitude gets implanted in your head and sets you back for life. Teaches you how to put up and put out to injustice. Cuz had learned his life lessons before me, being more than 3 years older and knew, I guess, that you can't have it all. Well, I wanted it all and my whole life I've been reaching for it. I've had the half-bread comfort of being almost there...but I just wasn't satisfied. My only true happiness that I will defend with my life - my family - alkA. and Sami, are truly my blessing and no day goes by without me thanking that I have the miracle of love in my life. But my glass seems to be half-empty still. As I need to know that I can secure their lives as well as mine. I want to achieve more in life and have a better chance of providing for my son than my parents could give me. So, I just can't lie down and accept. There's so much I want to do, so much I wanna be! I remember here the story about the two mice, which I heard in the movie "Catch me if you can". When they fell in the bucket of cream, one gave up and drowned, but the other kept on struggling, until the cream hardened and became butter, so she got out.
What happens if the cream never thickens? Is this when the second mouse gets ridiculed for wasting its last moments and dying of exhaustion, rather than giving up in peace?
Which mouse are you?
Do you like pretty riders on ugly horses? Or do you strive for perfection? All or nothing? Life or death? Or simple mediocrity? I warn you the road of dissatisfaction is steep...but the only one I ever liked...

In my pursuit for perfection, being taught to be quite anal even as a kid, I used to always put the best-looking rider, with the richest garments and the biggest muscles on the prettiest, white horse. To me this was a way of looking at the chance to have it all. Then of course, there'd be the struggle of who would play with that toy, because the alternative was the ugly indian on the ugly horse, which noone wanted to play with.
My cousin always had a different approach. He'd mix and match. Something, completely irritating to me. Since in that case there was no way of full satisfaction. You were either stuck with the ugly rider, or the beat-up horse.
Today this makes me think how early in life lessons come, to teach us submission. The "you can't have it all" attitude gets implanted in your head and sets you back for life. Teaches you how to put up and put out to injustice. Cuz had learned his life lessons before me, being more than 3 years older and knew, I guess, that you can't have it all. Well, I wanted it all and my whole life I've been reaching for it. I've had the half-bread comfort of being almost there...but I just wasn't satisfied. My only true happiness that I will defend with my life - my family - alkA. and Sami, are truly my blessing and no day goes by without me thanking that I have the miracle of love in my life. But my glass seems to be half-empty still. As I need to know that I can secure their lives as well as mine. I want to achieve more in life and have a better chance of providing for my son than my parents could give me. So, I just can't lie down and accept. There's so much I want to do, so much I wanna be! I remember here the story about the two mice, which I heard in the movie "Catch me if you can". When they fell in the bucket of cream, one gave up and drowned, but the other kept on struggling, until the cream hardened and became butter, so she got out.
What happens if the cream never thickens? Is this when the second mouse gets ridiculed for wasting its last moments and dying of exhaustion, rather than giving up in peace?
Which mouse are you?
Do you like pretty riders on ugly horses? Or do you strive for perfection? All or nothing? Life or death? Or simple mediocrity? I warn you the road of dissatisfaction is steep...but the only one I ever liked...
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