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Friday, September 18, 2009


Have you ever asked yourself, what is the opposite of LOVE?

If your mind is doing a backflip right now, saying WTF?, of course it's HATE!, then you may not have asked yourself that question, but are rather comfortable with what mom and dad, or society has imprinted in you.

I believe, that LOVE, simply put means energy, drive, meaning and GOD!

So many times I catch myself doing things that don't make enough sense to me. It's as if I'm sleepwalking through some semi-conscious idea, not really knowing what I'm doing this for, just to find out that something beautiful has come out of my foreign mind. With the years of experience ;), I know what drives me. Be it something I'm writing, cooking or doing for my wife, it's LOVE that drives me. Love is very often related to action for me. "Doing things, that's love", me and Alex like to say.

But I know the feeling of its absence, it's emptiness. Now, don't get me wrong. This is not the opposite of Love. Just the absence of it. It's the state of lack of desire to even breathe, because every breath is useless and painful. When no music, scenery, drug, or even friend can fill up the gap, open in your heart. I call this state "spiritual death", as no muscle likes to move when love is absent. And if it does, it's all inertia, fueled by the mind. Because no conscious creature can easily grasp the concept of the worthlessness of life without love. And the mind keeps pushing the wheel, till the empty shell finds its new life...or death.

So, the opposite of love is what stops love, stops the drive, the desire, the God inside of us. And, hell no, it's not hatred, because out of hatred I can keep on moving for ages, because hatred is love, because you can only truly hate something you've loved before.

The opposite of love is FEAR! The ultimate chain and prison of the soul, the force, that stops and blocks all action, inspiration and drive, that kills the motion and shuts down the mind. "The fear is what keeps us here!" It's what stops us from moving forward, from living our dreams!

I know some of you might say I sound like teenager and that's inappropriate for my age, but I still utterly believe in this truth and catch myself forgetting it. Devoting to fear means denying life. Our minds tell us that we only have one life to live, and it feels like a short one too (even though I read somewhere that this is the stupidest statement, because life is the longest thing we will ever experience), so if only we could learn to live our lives with Love, fly with it like the first whiff of being In-Love, when we absolutely have wings, we could do wonders, but when fear is in our hearts, we are paralyzed and worthless. And then life is a waste.

So, fly on, dear friends, and next time your engine stops, jump on the whale, swim to the bottom of your ocean and find out which monster sets you back, because fear is your enemy, your personal hell and the sooner you realize it, the sooner you'll overcome it and will be free to fly again!

I wish you LOVE!


Anonymous said...

AAAHHHh!!LIGHT! Soo so true.THANK YOU for this post because there are no words (or chills on your skin) to describe how EMPOWERING! it really IS!It's pure honesty and deep insights!!! Thank you and God Bless!Stay strong and let the LOVE never even think to leave you and those dearest to you!PEAS

CToRH said...

I LOVE feedback like that ! Thank you!