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Monday, February 13, 2012

Oh, Poop!

Do you know the joke about the guy that went to substitute for his friend's doctor shift in the hospital one afternoon?


The doctor walks out and leaves his friend, who has no idea about medicine to stay in his office.
He returns later that day and asks the friend how it went.

The friend says he saw three patients:

'1st one had constipation. So, I gave him laxatives.'
Doctor says - 'Good job! What happened?'

Friend says - 'He walked slowly at first and then started running'

'So, the second one had diarrhoea. I also gave him laxatives.'
Doctor says: 'What? You shouldn't have! What happened?'

Friend says - 'At first he started running, but then he started walking slowly'



Even though there's another bit to the joke, I find this one appropriate as we experienced it tonight!
While playing, Sami said 'I gotta poop, I gotta poop!' and ran out the door. alkA chased him down towards the toilet and half way through the hallway he stopped running and simply calmed down...

I can't describe the mess...

1 comment:

Nuclear Rabbit said...

:) Хехехе...късно викаш се сети малкия пич! Какъв беше края на вица...третия беше с кашлица и не смееше да се изкашля, нали? :)