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Monday, August 1, 2011

Стар виц, ама актуален :)

Този стар виц ми е любим и реших да ви го разкажа/припомня.

Краставата жаба много я било страх от крокодила и много го мразела, 'щото винаги я игнорирал.
Решила един ден да го 'накофти' и си казала. "Ще го питам дали плува в горанта част на реката. Ако каже - да - ще му кажа, че там плуват само идиотите. Ако каже - не - ще му кажа, че е идиот, щото всички готини плуват там, а той не."
Видяла го и го попитала: "Ей, крокодиле, ти плуваш ли в горната част на реката?"
Той я погледнал и ѝ отговорил: "Плувай, плувай лайно зелено." и си заминал.

Посветено на малките жалките кученца, които много лаят.


subzerobob said...

... so what's the moral of the story - that the crocodile is a smart-ass asshole and that not all frogs look the same? Also one can even argue about the proof of evolution by means of adaptation, by looking at this picture... Also the design of whales is pretty fucked up too, because they have lungs, which means that they have to breathe regular air, but they are too big and too heavy to swim up to the service to catch a breath of fresh air, many older whales die of suffocation because they don't have enough power to swim up to the surface to catch a breath of fresh air, but instead they sink! Nature has a sick & twisted sense of humor - just like you do. So what's your point? I failed because I tried? Well at least I fucking tried! And I am proud of that!

subzerobob said...

The antagonizing painful death of old whales:

Whales are mammals. They do not own gills but lungs, must breathe air within order to assert life.

1) "The blood immediately being acted on by gravity collects within the dependent parts and produces anemia of the brain." 2) "The weight of the body impede breathing.'' 3) "Vital organs are crushed by the great weight." 4) "The unaccustomed high temperature, especially if there is direct insolation [exposure to sun] induces steam stroke." 5) "The unaccustomed temperature interval between hours of darkness and day give rise to internal chills and probably pneumonia." 6) "The whales do not die because they are stranded; they are stranded because they are dying."
they stop breathing