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Thursday, May 13, 2010

grass time

a glimpse of fantastic weather in the valley...

A highlight of the day was to make Sami somehow tolerate a hat on his head. The record time goes to Alex who magically managed to keep it oh him for 45 seconds at a time! I guess it must be the mom thing. Oh, and besides the "mama", "tati", "Budi", and all the aminal sounds that we could think of, our brainy child can now pronounce or more like scream at us "apple", "бълка". And on top of the zoo that is constantly living in our house, he started counting in both Bulgarian and English. It sounds like "one, two, four, пет, тиии".
You guessed it, it's the mom thing again. Alex takes such a huge pleasure in teaching him everything that it is beyond my imagination. Now the daddy thing is, how quickly he picks up! Sami got a few good genes there to make up for all the madness  streaming from both sides of the family tree.

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